
Teaching Support System: Traditional, Modern and ICT based.

 In the realm of the teaching-learning process, there is a system that teaches, trains, coaches, guides and instructs teachers on how to maximize academic achievement of students. This system of tools and resources is called a teaching support system. A teaching support system caters to the teachers with an ultimate goal to improve student's achievement.

In other words, teaching supporting system is the capacity building of teachers using resources and glides on ' how to teach' .

A good teaching support system provides teaches with a set of instructional strategies for the students and skills that students are not proficient in. Along with that, it helps teachers acquire the knowledge and skills to deliver those strategies in the classroom.

Why do we need the teaching support system?

In present time, life skills are more important than memorizing concepts and theories. This makes it very challenging for the teacher to approach his or her subject merely using traditional methods.

Given this scenario, it is important for the teachers to go beyond traditional teaching styles and be more creative and engaging in terms of enhancing students participation.

Secondly, information is abundantly available over the internet which is accessible to teachers and learns alike. This some what reduces the role of teachers as the ultimate source of information, more in case of middle and higher education. Now the goal of teachers should also be to keep themselves updated with trends of technology and information.

1. Traditional teaching supporting system

  1. This methodology is used to teach basics to students.
  2. This method is also called as "chalk and talk".
  3. It is teacher-centered approach.
  4. It concentrates more on memorization and reinforcing techniques.
  5. In this method learners are passive recipients.
  6. The focus remains on syllabus completion and evaluation of learners through the traditional examination system.
  7. The teacher evaluate the learners but there is no benchmark for evaluating teachers.
  8. Usage of textbooks and blackboards is more.
  9. Class management is all about maintaining discipline.
  10. There is no emphasis on team building, collaboration, and so on.


  • There is less involvement of learners.
  • There is less emphasis on the understanding of concepts.
  • Weak learners suffer the most as they don't fee motivated.
  • Evaluation of  learners based on traditional teaching methods can some times be faulty.
  • There is less incentive among teachers for reflection.

2. Modern Teaching supporting system

  1. This system of teaching is more learner centered.
  2. It enable ICT based techniques for teaching like use of computers, projectors ext.
  3. Student friendly teaching and active participation of learners.
  4. Have a defined goal.
  5. They are collaborative and require initiative.
  6. Knowledge is constructed rather than delivered.
  7. Have more scope for creativity, flexibility, and reliability.


  • Since technology becomes more dynamic, teachers need to learn and relearn new skills.
  • There is too much dependence on technology which reduces the authority of teachers.
  • It requires huge investments of money, time and effort.
  • Some modern technology methods are exclusionary in nature.
  • The teacher-student relationship suffers as there is less time to develop bonding with the students.

3. ICT Based teaching supporting system  

  1. The implementation of ICT in teaching and learning significant changes have hit the whole educational system.
  2. ICT in schools was launched in Dec 2004 and revised in 2010 to provide opportunities for secondary stage students to build their capacity on ICT skills and make them learn through computer aided learning process.
  3. ICT is a sub component of   the "Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan(RMSA)"
  4. It support project based learning.
  5. It uses synchronous and asynchronous software, text-based, audio-based or video based communication tools, as well as shared work spaces to improve learning instruction in various area of education.
  6. Project based learning includes support from two instructional process and four learning processes.

1. Scaffolding 

2. Coaching 


1. The learning process

2. Knowledge representation

3. Communication and collaboration

4. Reflection.


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